Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Tuesday 10pm
The Meeting Format Starts Now
(This is the part you read out loud)
Tuesday 10pm Gratitude Meeting
INTRODUCTION: We welcome you to the Tuesday 10 pm topic meeting on Gratitude, this meeting is 1 hour and 15 minutes. At this meeting we read selections on Gratitude from our 3 Daily Meditation books which can be found in the index in each of the books.

1) My name is _____________, a grateful Al-Anon member and your chair/secretary for this meeting.
2) Please un-mute and open the meeting with the Serenity Prayer
3.   Ask for volunteers to read:
a) Al-Anon’s Preamble to The Twelve Steps
b) Al-Anon’s 12 Steps (one page after December 31 in all three mediations books)
c) One Tradition & One Concept of the month (one and two pages respectively after the 12 Steps in all three meditation books)
4)   Let’s go around the globe and introduce ourselves. Hi, I am ______(Name)_____ from (_______State___)
5) Announcements: 7th Tradition: Al-Al-Anon is fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions. We ask that you send your contributions to the World Service Office address: Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc.
1600 Corporate Landing Parkway
Virginia Beach, VA 23454-5617
or you can give to your face to face meetings . Our WSO ID NUMBER is pending.
The Business meeting is on the 1st Tuesday of the month.
We request a newcomer greeter to stay on the line and facilitate the after meeting.
(Note to secretary: On day of business meeting please request the newcomer greeter to leave their phone number for newcomers to call with any questions)
Are there any other Al-Anon related announcements?
6) Please disable your call waiting before dialing into the meeting and do not share on a speaker phone or we will all hear an echo.  Please stay muted at all times unless you are sharing. 
7) Readings:  At this meeting we read selections on the topic of Gratitude from our three meditation books, which can be found in the back of each of the books. (The daily readers are: One Day at a Time, Courage, to Change and Hope for Today) Can we please have 3 volunteers?
Following the readings and before the shares the secretary announces that the page numbers will be repeated at the end of the meeting.
 8) ANONYMITY STATEMENT: In Al-Anon this is a gentle reminder that we speak from our own experience and ours is derived from living with the effects of alcoholism. We ask those who are members of other anonymous fellowships not to break their anonymity and to try and identify with the Al-Anon approach for the family illness. Ours is a different experience and calls for a different interpretation.
Please resist the desire to comment on another person’s share.
Your intention may be to show support, but, could be misinterpreted.
9) Timekeeper: Do we have a volunteer to be our spiritual timekeeper.”.
10) Sharing:  We will now begin sharing.  Would our spiritual timekeeper like to share first?
 11) CLOSING: It is now 3 minutes before the close of the meeting.
The chair reads or asks for a volunteer to read: The Suggested Al-Anon Closing from the Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual on pg. 22 or How Al-Anon Works p. 380.
Now would all who care to, please un-mute and join together to say The Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference.
Meeting is now closed * Get numbers